
Trademarks Notice

Certain names, words, titles, phrases, logos, designs, icons or graphics displayed on the website  are trademarks or trade names owned by Smuglers LLP, Business Names Unlimited Ltd. or Jack Smugler.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, trademarks owned by Business Names Unlimited Ltd. and used under licence by Smuglers LLP include the following:  BUSINESS NAMES UNLIMITED, BUSINESSNAMES, TRADEMARKSCANADA, INCORPORATIONONTARIO and INCORPORATIONCANADA.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, trademarks owned by Jack Smugler and used under licence by Smuglers LLP include the following:  SMUGLERS and TMCANADA.

Other names, words, titles, phrases, logos, designs, icons and graphics, and trademarks displayed on the Web site may be registered or unregistered trademarks of third parties.  The display of such third party trademarks should not be taken to imply any relationship or licence agreement between Smuglers LLP, Business Names Unlimited Ltd. or Jack Smugler and the owner of such trademarks or to imply that Smuglers LLP, Business Names Unlimited Ltd. or Jack Smugler endorses the goods or services of the owner or licencee of such trademarks or trade names.